Howdy howdy howdy,
So I've decided it's time to become one of you unwashed blogging masses again, and since I don't have a website or any other way to post bizarre inanity on the world-wide-typin' box, I'm going back to the roots. The blog roots. Now for the tricky part. Coming up with something to say.
It has come to my attention that the reading of books has taken a substantial blow. Preaching to the choir, I know, since anyone reading this thing is liable to read anything, but my point stands. More than once I've been referred to as "a reader," with all the contempt and disgust placing a word in quotation marks can convey. Let me ask you this; have we really reached the point where people will call you a reader with the same tone of voice that they'll call you a pedophile?
I loves me some reading. I have what can be considered a decent library, I've got piles and piles of comics literally littering my room right now, and I just got one'a them fancy e-readers that's full of more books than you can shake a camel at, and I plan on plowing my way through them, just so I can make room for more. The reading of this material makes me feel better about myself, and for a number of reasons.
For one, I learn. I learn about writing, new methods and styles, things I enjoy and things that perhaps I don't enjoy so much. I learn about new ideas and about old ideas that have been discarded, thrown down into the dust and tromped all over, left to rot between the covers of this untapped resource called "book." And really, there's nothing wrong with reading a bad book. Every bit of information can be used to some degree of benefit, even if all you gain is the knowledge that maybe vampires aren't cool anymore.
It's also something to do. I don't watch Top Chef, Iron Chef (well sometimes, because it's just so INTENSE), Survivor, The Bachelor, the Amazing Race, A Shot at Love, Pleasure Island, House People, and on and on and on, mostly because I crave one thing above all others; stories. Television no longer has stories that I care about. Actually, it doesn't really have much for story as it stands. I agree that a group of people hanging out creates stories, but when it's real people, I just find it hard to care. I have real people around me all the damn time. Why should I watch some jackanapes parading around like there aren't 3 high-powered digital cameras recording their every move, giving testimonials about their actions and attempting to explain away things that everyone does anyway?
Movies used to be good. Remember that? You would take some time out of your afternoon and go on a high-flying adventure or a lighthearted romp through someone's silly misadventures. Now, you take your ENTIRE afternoon and go on a lumbering waste of time. These things are either way longer than they deserve to be--I'm looking at you, Transformers 2--or simply try too hard to be something they aren't. I can appreciate a stupid comedy about a man losing a government duck and the havoc he creates trying to get it back, but it doesn't have to be a heartfelt love letter to ducks, or a scathing commentary on the government, or a warning about mental instability. Sometimes, a poop joke is just a poop joke. Let it be.
I understand that this all has to do with the movie industry, and covering costs and whatnot. No one wants to pay 13 bucks for a movie, so the studios figure, "Maybe they just want more of it," and cram in an extra hour and a half of garbage that really has no need to be there. Well, I'll tell you something, I would rather watch a good hour and a half than a mediocre three hours. I don't think I'm alone in this. Hell, most times I would rather watch a good hour and a half than a good three hours. I still haven't rewatched The Dark Knight, because it's just so FRIGGIN' long. And we're talking about Batman here. BATMAN.
In any case, books take me on long, extended voyages down a two-way street, both into and out of my own mind. The words are there, but for them to become images, my brain's gotta do the heavy lifting. I take the turns of phrase, the similes and the analogies, and turn them into something visual, something tangible. Down the other lane, the things that I have to deal with in my everyday life can take a vacation in the backseat. They're still going to be there, but they can have a nap for a bit. Sometimes, the imagination has to fly.
Comics are their own special field of craziness, and I'm sure I could write a whole post about them, so I probably will, but later. There is time. There is always time.
I can't say I'm exactly where I started with this post, but I'm just returning to this blog thing. It'll take some getting used to. I guess my point is that reading is good for the brain and the body, and there's no reason not to do it. As a matter of fact, you probably should do it, to avoid the inevitable dumbing down of the world. Things are already stupid. Don't help that. Instead, help me. Financially.
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