Friday, 8 June 2012

100 Word Story - Thailand Edition

Hi everyone!

You'll have to bear with me on this one today. I'm in Thailand, and all the words on the computer are in Thai. So I'm kind of going on sense memory with this thing. Also, I have no way of doing a proper word count, so it's basically just something close to 100 words. Today, this story is brought to you by the letter Eeew and the number 10 000 000 bugs.

Spiders are everywhere. Mosquitoes are everywhere, feeding the spiders. There are flies, worms, bedbugs, cockroaches, beetles, and all kinds of creepies that have crawlies. And they're everywhere. But I've got the solution. I bought this bag, you see. You step into it and pull it up over your head. There's a drawstring, and it tightens up over your face. It's like a cocoon. Hey, wait a minute. I think they tricked me. Now they're all over me. I can't get out. I can barely breathe. Get off of me, you monsters! You can have my blood over my dead body!

Scary! And I think they'll probably succeed. Most of our blood is gone, having been replaced with whatever it is mosquitoes put in you to make you itch. But honestly, Thailand is awesome. I recommend it to all of you, and immediately. You know. So we can hang out on an elephant.

Ok, that's all for now. I'll have better stories once the malaria wears off.


1 comment:

  1. I recomend quinine pills. But Lindsay already knows that because she has read the poisionwood bible. Ah I picture you guys out there everyday having the time of your life as a newlywed couple. Then I hate you for a little while but I always end up loving you again in the end.
