Thursday, 3 January 2013

Gotta get all this holiday off of me.

Hey everyone who reads this thing (by this I mean no one!),

No stories today. I just figured I would update the blog so that it maintains relevance into another year. As relevant as it has been so far, in any case.

I've been thinking a lot about trying to force myself to work harder and be better at the things I want to do. I go to school with people that have kids, a job, outside hobbies and interests, and they still find time to go to school and get decent grades. I work one lazy shift a week in a completely relaxed grocery store, and do nothing else with my time, and I sit down at the end of the day, feeling completely swamped. My question to you, my faithful friends, is simple: how in the sweet rollicking plains and misty mountains of Narnia do you pull this off?

All I want to do is write more stories. I'm not even concerned with publishing and marketing and that end of things right now. I just want to get words on paper, and I feel like I don't have the time. Then people come along and do so many things in a day that it makes me feel like a complete waste of space.

I spend this time reading books, and the good ones make me feel even worse about the situation. I need to break this rut.

I did not intend for this to turn into a New Year's Resolution post, but I guess that's sort of what it's become. I'm going to write more, and will suffer no excuses. I am the master of my destiny after all. I simply need to climb the hill again, and trudge through the garbage that I'm undoubtedly going to spew at first. This garbage will force me to despair. But up yours, garbage! I'm going to get this done. There was a time when I felt confident and proud of my written work. There was room for improvement, as there always will be, but I at least felt good about it. So I'll bring that back as a birthday present to myself.

Also, I'm going to ride my bike more (which is super easy, since I currently ride it none). and try to dress nicer as well. These appear to be superficial resolutions. Because they totally are, and I have no problem doing good things for myself.

Ok, this got out of hand. If you're still reading this, give me story ideas, and I'll write 100 stupid words about them.

Your pal,



  1. finally found you. i'd say get to yourself before others do. act before you realize you do (this probably means morning it, i'm afraid). i don't do this myself, but i do see your question and frustration in full empathy... time management is the secret, i think.

    once do you know, though, please tell me

    1. I think it might have to do with furniture arrangement. Everything is currently set up so that I can see the television. This is bad. Even if I don't watch anything, the temptation exists, and I fall for it, nine times out of ten. Maybe I need more bottles of whiskey hanging around the house. Worked for Hemingway, right? And he lived to be 100!
